Don’t wait, continue.
Session nr 10 of 2 August 2015 – recorded- English
translation -Original French.
Place: Mezza Verde in Belgium
Present: Wivine, Wilhelm in Belgium and Carole, Nora in
Received by Wivine
Visitor: Malavatia Melchizedek
Malavatia spoke after 1h35min Total time meditation: 2hrs.
here: my children I am here surrounded by my brothers Monsanloran, Malvantra,
Maltucia and others you don’t know. It has been a while you haven’t heard them and
that’s why we are here to confirm that you are still in our custody, our care
and that we are still your 'Tontons'.
You were told that you
work for the Seraphic planetary Government, for
the Most High Observer-Vorondadek of Edentia
with his race commissioners to do a specific
job with us because you come from different cultures and ethnic groups.
Each era has its members in
the Reserve Corps of Destiny and Cosmic Reserve Corps which are inhabitants of
Urantia. You are part of both Corpses and you have 'your niche' of tasks to
help your planet.
The fact of being part of
these two Corpses does not give an evaluation on the spiritual evolution of
your soul. However you need to acknowledge the presence of your indwelling God Fragment
and be aware you are part of a huge Celestial Family, a huge Universe
surrounded by even larger Universes. You have been trained for this and still
are to increase your ability to work with the “Energies of the Trinity”, with
the Pure Energy of your indwelling Thought Adjuster
and afterwards, for those who have not reached it, with the combination of
these two ‘Forces-Energies’.
A third element will be
added later to get the perfect combination in using all 'Energies' a ‘Human’ is able to control when he
submits to his God Fragment and follow His guidance. You will discover this 3rd
element step by step and it is only when this is achieved that the ‘true
combination of Energies’ will be attained in you.
Jesus said to his
disciples: 'one day you will do greater
miracles than I. Not because he wasn’t capable, but because he didn’t want
to use his abilities to do miracles or what people of his time would have taken
for miracles to avoid to dazzle them.
You will learn how to
acquire all these skills and you will use them to perform miracles but nobody
on earth will be conscious of them. We will not even show you always the
effects of the activities you do and will do during your bilocation exercises,
or when you transfer those Energies that each of you is able to dominate at his
The fact you are able to
acquire these abilities comes from the desires of your soul, your endurance,
your consistency, your willingness to help others with means that will not bring
you any material glory or recognition of others on your world.
We need people who are
able to work as unknown soldiers and in silence; people that are always ready
to engage when we ask them to help us; people we can really rely on and who are
not always doing their own thing. People who follow exactly our guidelines
because they are aware that they are not able to do what they do during their
meditations, bilocation exercises or Energy transfers without our help, without
the help of their Thought Adjuster, their Angels and Cherubim,
their Midwayers and many other Celestials.
All these experiences will
serve you when you will reach Paradise and
the Universal Father to be part of those of the
Corps of Finality, who will work later for God the Supreme as ‘Creator Sons and Daughters’ on the worlds of the outer space levels.
Your soul is in its
infancy as all souls on Earth who live around you in a human body. Perhaps you
know a little more, but it will never be much compared to what you still have
to learn on the Celestial Worlds to reach Paradise.
Learn to see your current
life and all what you do with us long term. Don’t look at your soul evolution or
that of others short term. Everyone can achieve it; all will follow this path
and reach those Celestial levels that match their potential and efforts.
All souls of Urantia will
receive every possibility to reach eternal life on the Mansion
Worlds after their mortal life; as well as the necessary care and time needed.
They can become citizens of your local universe
Nebadon, or become a Spiritual Creature
in our Superuniverse Orvonton, or reach the Universal Father in Paradise
to join the mortal Corps of Finality.
No soul of Urantia is
destined to be destroyed; unless it is her choice by refusing systematically
during a very long time to follow her path of evolution direction ‘Paradise' on
the Mansion Worlds.
So don’t worry for your
family members, your conjoint, your children, your friends because they all
receive the same care as you.
Don’t wait to pursue your
own evolution because you want someone else to follow your direction. Continue
your soul growth and evolution at your own pace. If you surpass others because
you go a little faster it will be a blessing for you and all mankind. If you
are a little slower or younger it will be equally beneficial to you and others.
The speed at which you
move on as an individual has very little importance to us. We look at your
evolution on eternity level and not on the level of your short mortal life. Moving
forward is the only thing of importance.
Do your work, stay
together and learn to work hand in hand in order to accelerate your individual
soul evolution. You will always evolve faster in a group than alone.
Don’t take more people for
the moment in your group. Others will be added later when they have showed
their desire to do the same work with us and gained a little more experience in
working with the "Energies".
Don’t underestimate your
life experiences and everything that happens to you during your mortal life.
You learn by doing, by acting regardless that you work as a baker, in fashion,
computer science, trade or governments. By doing, learning, interacting with
other people you will understand much more about others and yourself then by
reading books and messages. Experience, acquired knowledge because you lived it
is one billion times more worth than all accumulated intellectual knowledge.
You all discovered over
all these years you work together that what you didn’t understand before in the
Urantia book, you get to understand now. This is because your soul grew; she
developed her Morontia body with a Morontia mind which is much higher than your
mortal mind and intelligence.
It is a fact that you're still
mortals living in a physical body with all its weaknesses and needs; you have a
mortal mind still chock-full of many mistaken beliefs, you have still your little
judgments about others and your biases due to your education and environment. As
a result you often fear to do wrong and think not be up to the mark.
Don’t worry my children,
we see everything, we know everything, we know your weaknesses and will always
push you to become a bit more Divine and less human.
How do we do this? Well???
By putting a few banana-peels on your path on which you will slip, by putting
your car down on a road where there is little traffic, by making your life
financially a little harder so that you will have to tighten the belts. Of
course, we will always be at your side to reach out, to show you the good
conduct, the right track provided that you look in our direction, that you keep
faith and trust in God and put your hands in ours to learn to be guided.
Go on with your life and work.
You received a couple of weeks rest to resume afterwards with more courage and
Goodbye, my friends, see you later.
For the explanations of the words
in blue see The Urantia Book.