Your Morontia life
begins in this life.
Session nr 5 of 25 January 2016 –
English translation– Original French.
Place: Mezza Verde in Placencia, Belize {Carole and
Received by Wivine
Visitor: Malvantra Melchizedek.
Malvantra here:
today I will talk about your Morontia life
which begins in this life.
Your Morontia life begins
with the conception of your soul. The conception
of the soul is done the moment that your Thought
adjuster, God Fragment or Higher-Self indwells you.
Your soul is composed of
Morontia matter. This material is a sublime blend of physical and spiritual
energy. It allows the creation of bodies, planets and life forms of a frequency
halfway between the physical and the spiritual worlds of the Superuniverses,
Havona and Paradise Island. It is the matter of which the transitional Morontia worlds are made.
The Deities of the Trinity are capable of creating Perfect Creatures
to their image and they just do it. They create the Paradise Creator Sons and Avonal
Sons, as well as the Mother- Spirits
of local universes and so many others.
However they will not
create perfect creatures in a single life time coming out of animal life like
you. Your souls must progress slowly through the physical life and all Morontia worlds of your local
universe Nebadon to become newbie Spiritual
All Morontia worlds of a
local universe are not identical. The First Mansion
world is a world in which the blending of material and spiritual energy
tends more towards the material than to the spiritual. This is why life on this
world will not look much different from yours. As you progress from one Morontia
world to another you will see that the Morontia energy of these worlds will
become more and more spiritual.
You will cross 570
worlds and 570 phases of transformation throughout your Morontia
career in Nebadon before becoming a first stage Spiritual
Creature on the Superior Morontia worlds of its headquarters Salvington.
It isn't only your
Morontia body that will undergo transformations; your Morontia
mind will also change through gradual association with the Cosmic Mind of the Superunivers.
The Morontia worlds of a local
universe are worlds of successive progress in order to allow the fledgling soul
to reach this first stage of a Spiritual Creature.
It is impossible for you
to become a Perfected Spiritual Creature ready to stand before God in Paradise
in one lifetime as claimed by some of your religions. This is why you must
first experience all these Morontia worlds.
In the event that you developed
your soul on Urantia beyond the First Mansion world, you will cross it faster
like the following until you reach the Morontia world of your spiritual
progress gained during your mortal life.
When your Thought adjuster indwells you as a Pure Spirit he is like a foreign element to you.
He settles in your mortal mind without you being aware of it. Then he will
slowly begin to adjust your mind to help you reach out for higher moral values,
develop righteousness, sincerity, love for others and have a better
understanding of the purpose of your life. He will give you challenges to get stronger,
more courageous and hardworking.
This way your soul embryo will
gradually grow during your physical life to become a fetus, then that fetus
will grow by taking the shape of a baby ready to be born. The third step is the
birth of an infant soul that is self-supporting and develops a starting Morontia
mind with the help of her God Fragment. Your young soul will continue to grow
during her mortal life by her actions and decisions. After physical death she
will wake up on the First Mansion World to continue her progress on all Morontia
worlds, the intermediate worlds which lie between the physical and the
spiritual worlds.
Your Thought adjuster will
no longer be a stranger to you during your Morontia life. You will communicate
between each other much easier and more intense than on your planet of birth.
You have the possibility
to reach this stage of communication during your mortal life and arrive at such
levels of soul development that you will not experience physical death but will
be transferred through the ‘circuitry of the Thought adjusters’ on the First Mansion
world to fuse. Then you will be brought to the Superior Morontia worlds of
Salvington where you will continue your perfecting.
That is why we want you to
be aware that your Morontia career starts here, in this mortal life.
It is important, because
you can reach already here the status of a creature ready to fuse of a Superior
Morontia-Spiritual level if you make the effort. If you come so close to your God
Fragment that he may control the Morontia mind of your soul and that your soul
can control your mortal mind so that your body - soul - and Spirit become One.
Many humans possess this
potential without knowing. You, who know, do not underestimate yourself: go
ahead and make the effort. Plan your spiritual ambitions beyond your mortal
We reach out for you and
our Melchizedek Morontia schools are wide open to you even during your mortal
Many people across your
globe are taught during their sleep or their meditations in our theoretical and
practical schools. They are from all religions and ethnic groups. We have even
created special schools following the Lucifer rebellion, among others for the
people of Urantia.
Don’t look at yourself as
incapable and ignorant latecomers. Consider yourself as a starting Morontia
soul in progression to Paradise Perfection.
Goodbye my friends, until
next time.
For the explanations of the words in blue see The
Urantia Book.